My personal thanksgiving memoir: 2013’s Most Prodigious Personalities

Ogunbowale Olugbenga
10 min readMar 30, 2024


Most Prodigious Personalities


To close 2013 in grand style, I have decided to say thank you in a very special way to all those that made my year rock. Arranged in order of their most impactful month, here are the titans:


Prof. Sola Olowu:

For being a true father and for being the project supervisor of my dreams, I cannot thank you enough sir. May your days be long, may you remain strong and may your heart desires be granted


For the beautiful environment & wonderful friends: thank you. For finally allowing me to graduate in January 2013 after several strikes [both internal & external], for delaying my NYSC till 2014: thank you all the same

Prayer mummy:

For reminding Olumide & Myself that kindness will always dominate harshness, thank you.


Iromini Femi:

He is so caring, so dependable and very capable. Despite learning so much from Him, He is so humble He calls me teacher. With heart so pure and actions so passionate, I sometimes forget Femi is human. Sir, I respect & I love you.

Segun Kayode

He is one of the most considerate people I have ever met. He’s so passionate & so committed to the cause. I love you

Miss Esohe:

For being so kind & so generous to Olumide, Funke & I: thank you! How can we forget your wonderful delicacies and gifts? May you never go hungry and may your success drive your enemies to their early grave!

Akinbile Tolu:

He was a fantastic roommate & is a spirit filled vessel. Bold as a lion! He can do the impossible & He sure knows how to dress up for success! I respect & salute you bro!

Segun sociology:

Thank you for being sensitive and just being caring without knowing. You’re a great man.

Lasisi, Teckclique president:

For being such a wonderful inaugural TeckClique president, I doff my hat for you. You’re the perfect example of a truly selfless leader. God bless you.

Mr Ken, Lagos:

For loving my designs and for believing in me, for reading my blog religiously, THANK YOU SIR. May you enjoy a fruitful & joyful 2014.

Dr Omole Kemi:

I could write an epistle about this wonderful woman! I still vividly remember her visibly shocked expression on the 24th of April at PG hall when Miss Esohe, Miss Ada, Olumide, Funke & I stormed her room at 12am with candles, our sonorous voices and our heartfelt words of gratitude & prayer. It was her birthday!

She’s so caring, so intelligent and so blessed. May you always be first & may God guaranty your access to the zenith of your career as you sparkle like diamonds in the skye!

P.Dami [casor]:

Thanks for helping out with trying to secure amphi. Your genuine concern touched me. You’re a true shepherd.


For showing the world that soccer does not begin and end with BARCA, for teaching them that 7.0 is indeed a perfect number and for making millions around the world ask for the first time ever: is Bayern Barca’s Bane? THANK YOU.


Here is a brilliant biologist & chemist whose dexterity in class has the propensity to shower academic prosperity on his students with such gargantuan intensity. He has a beautiful mind, a lovely spirit & a positive outlook to life. You’re family to me. I LOVE YOU.

Oduronbi Dami, Quoleth Omotayo:

For being such wonderful collaborators both on the PES soccer field and in business earlier in the year, thank you. Your kindness and industry won’t be forgotten


For selling a faulty second hand projector to me & running away: I forgive you.


Junior Chamber International:

For nominating me as the most outstanding young Nigerian, thank you. [Eniola, JCI Ife, how can I forget your name?]


For inviting me to Ekiti to facilitate at your training for corpers, thanks


For being such a wonderful client and for linking me up with the Pol science fyb team, thanks!

Dr Ayinde:

For being such a capable & dependable part adviser, God bless you. I will never forget your kind words & deeds sir!

Kehinde Fawunmi:

For being such a contagious force for good, a genius and a gentleman in one, and for initiating FeedOne, thank you! I’m proud to be associated with you sir! You’re a great man and the world has not seen anything yet!

Dad & Mum:

For calling every now & then, for monitoring my Spiritual growth and for being so caring and so loving, you’re the best parents anyone could ever hope for. Thank you for the gift of life and for the lessons to live the good life. May you live in health, wealth & as your last born, may you see my children and their children before you leave this world. God bless you both.


For being such a wonderful room-mate to Funke & for your gentle spirit, God bless you

Bro Femi:

For inspiring me to write exceptional tales, I’m so grateful, I cannot tell it all. Thank you bro! God bless you & your family.


For being such a cool friend, a smart student and a visionary lady, I’m glad I met you. God bless you.


For being such loyal clients over the years, I’m totally grateful and hopeful that your 2014 will outpace & outshine your 2013.

Emmanuel Oris:

For commissioning me to design the cover of your inspiring book, thank you. Hope you have forgiven me for missing your book launch.

Sir Lolade:

Partnering with you on ADAPT remains one of my most enjoyable collaborations ever! You are a perfect gentleman, a man of timbre, calibre & iroko! A business man with the fear of God! I can’t wait to collaborate with you on more important projects. You’re the man!


Bro Dayo:

For believing in me, for such inspiring & outstanding articles/posts/tweets and for sharing opportunities endlessly via your numerous channels, may God bless you richly. I’m always proud to be associated with you because your name reminds me of Udeme: YOU’RE A GREAT MAN BRO! Your cool, calm & kind personality is priceless. May you soar higher in 2014!

CEO trans4maz photography:

It’s almost unbelievable that you finished from Geology in 2007 and that you’re a self-taught Photographer. For running the most outstanding photo studio in the whole of Osun state and for your extreme creativity, thank you.


It may please you to know that my Olumide and I are yet to recover from the charm of your beautiful portability ad ‘move to greener pastures’. We want more of this in 2014.

Mr Stephen:

For being my guardian angel in the printing world of Mokola, Ibadan, I’m truly lucky & blessed to have met you. Thank you & God bless you.


For being my ‘conspirator’ in the business of rhymes, may God slay any terminator in your way.


For being one of my most outstanding graphics students ever & for your sweet spirit, May you experience an overflow in 2014

Prince & Lekan 007:

for dedicating yourselves to the mission & for ensuring the success of epower’s 10/10, I am very grateful! May your names be forever written in the sands of time and may you fulfil destiny.


For your continuous patronage, thanks and God bless!


For assisting the adapt team and for your cosmetic recommendations, thanks!

Mr Tosin:

For challenging me to be a better designer, thanks!


Marigold & TVAG consulting:

Thanks for your continuous patronage. May your business boom in 2014!

Pst Tope Awofisayo:

For your inspiring sermons and friendly personality, may the oil on your head never run dry! More grace, more pace, more ace.

Aunty Kenny:

Working with abda events has always been a richly rewarding experience for me. Thanks for your generosity and for your inspiring personality. I wish you a bountiful harvest in 2014



To all Graphics+Branding+Powerpoint attendees on OAU campus: thank you for making my birthday memorable.

To all GBP attendees at Association for reproductive & family health, Ibadan, especially to all the wonderful members of staff at ARFH and to the inquisitive young minds at youth rescue club, thanks for giving me the opportunity to impact your lives and for setting me up with a cake, with gifts and with delicious meals. Big thanks to Onoolapo Jumoke, Ukeni Mercy, Mrs Yinka & Mrs Ann.



For religiously following my blog & for winning nearly all my branding quizzes, thanks!

Daniel Adeoye:

For celebrating me in your ‘celebrating great minds series’, may you achieve greatness on a global scale.

Oautoday [on facebook]:

For taking me up on my birthday design offer and for making me an administrator on one of O.A.U’s biggest online communities, thank you.

Olusunle Funke:

For being such a great friend/client & for your ever-smashing, ever-inspiring DP’s, thanks & God bless.


For inspiring my block buster series on ‘unravelling the mystery of brands’, what more can I say but a big fat thank you. I can never forget the sacrifice you made for that seminar, where you decided to travel down to speak to 6 people, and your financial commitment right there. Needless to say, I have forgiven you for not calling/texting on my birthday. You’re headed for greater heights.

Sis Tomi:

For your passionate & positive disposition to life, for your time, for sharing with me wonderful short stories and for buying me a blackberry as my birthday gift, thank you sis! May you & your family experience joy & prosperity unlimited!

Ayomide Atitebi:

For being such a powerful force for change and a colourful voice for hope, for hosting me on #BURST, for your outstanding oratory power and for more beautiful collaborations ahead, I say, thanks! It’s been a pleasure knowing such a treasure as yourself. Let’s do more in 2014!

Toyosi Feyisitan:

For inspiring thousands of young minds through Alliance for Youth Development and for linking me up with another fantastic young man, Phillip Amiola, God bless you, and God bless him.

Sis Lara:

For your strong work ethics and your generous spirit, may your family plug into the overflow.

Pst Wale Onajoko:

For monitoring my progress & for encouraging me to do more, you’re a true father, God bless you sir!


For sharing your multi million naira story with me and for your brilliant ideas, thank you! May your business experience a profit surge in 2014.



For your incredible ideas and for your sweet spirit: I miss & value you. May our friendship continue to blossom


For selecting my story ‘BIOLA’ into the top 80 category in your flash fiction contest, and to all my friends and fans who voted me into the top 20 category, to Jibola Wande-Kayode for personally taking up responsibility to canvass for votes on my behalf, I’m forever indebted to you all. May God raise men in your time of need and may unending prosperity be your creed.


For your loyal patronage & recommendations over the years, may helpers arise for you in your time of need.


Mrs Egbe, NACATEM;

For your patronage, for believing in my slides and for your magnetic personality, Thanks & God bless.


For sharing your powerful ideas with me and for entrusting me with your brand, God bless you.

Golden Eaglets & Super Eagles:

For winning the u-17 world cup with a bang and for qualifying for the world cup in Brazil, I say a big thanks to both teams. Thanks for making Nigeria proud and famous for something other than ‘Boko-Haram’.

Global Paradigm Shifters:

What more can I say? Mr Oyewole Rapheal, Pst Victor Ogbara, Mr Ayo Atitebi and myself transformed lives via GPS’ 10/10 tour to 5 sec schools in Ile-Ife, Osun State. It was a massive success because of this league of extra-ordinary men! I’m so proud to be associated with GPS & with all of you! I love you!


For that explosive biz meeting at Country Kitchen, thanks! I enjoyed it!



For living a self-less life of emancipation & total transformation worthy of emulation, a life that will continue to define a nation & inspire generations, thanks!

Sir Debo:

For being so patient with me, Thanks!

The ‘merciful lady’:

For meeting me at the point of my need, permit me to scream T-H-A-N-K-S!

Awolumate Samuel:

For trusting I, Ogunbowale Olugbenga, with your deepest thoughts, for your powerful oratory skills and for sharing the stage with me at Geometry International College, thanks! I am absolutely delighted to be your friend. Better & brighter day’s ahead sir!

Tunde Badmus:

For naming me as no 1 on your list of top 10 most impactful facebook friends, I am totally humbled and highly honoured. I may not have silver or gold to offer you, but in words & deed, I promise to continue to be a force for good, an exponential factor in your growth and in many more lives. I learn from you too sir: your calm, calculated disposition to life even in the face of tribulation is worthy of emulation. Love you bro: May God honour you.


For providing a wonderful opportunity to learn about how to birth/sustain true democracy in Africa and for the challenging but equally interesting questions I encountered while entering for DESPLAY season 9, thank you.

All my clients:

For consulting me for your Logo, banner, poster, business Card, wallpaper, display picture,

facebook cover, bill board, flex banner and roll-up banner designs, I cannot thank you enough. May your business move from glory to glory.

To all the organizations & individuals that sought my expert advice on naming, slogan, business plan/proposal writing, brand promotion, viral marketing, and to all the schools and organizations that invited me to speak, this one thing I can assure you: 2014 will be exceptional!

God bless you.

Social media friends & fans:

How many names can I name? How many kind words can I count? All I can say is that you’ve made me a better person. I truly cherish your friendship. May your 2014 beat your expectations!



Ogunbowale Olugbenga
Ogunbowale Olugbenga

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